The Egyptian Connection

Welcome to what Stargate research looks like at its CRUDE, initial level ~ however, though everything shared is now outdated ~ I believe the collection of samples offered here will show that we are on the road to some VERY interesting discoveries ... maybe you want to join in the research.

Ancient Egyptian records translate the Pleiades as "Krittikas" , "female judges of mankind" - they primarily equated them as the Seven Hathors, whom the dead had to remember and speak the names of those Goddesses to pass their examination to enter the ancient Egyptian perception of paradise, which was in the distant stars ... Modern Egyptians relate to the Pleiades as the Seven Midwives1.

In archaic seven-gated Thebes, the Pleiades were represented by Seven Mantic Priestesses, who were linked to the Seven Pillars of Wisdom, an era when the Seven Hathors ruled over a rather grim calendar cycle which had the Sacred King slain every seventh year2.

In ancient Europe, the Pleiadian May to November cycle was represented by the Maytime feast of life and the November feast of death ... Though quite obviously frowned upon by the early church in that era, upon All Souls Day (November first), prayers for the dead were recited in the direction of the Pleiades3 (a somewhat obvious archaic hold-over/link to the Egyptian ritual of the dead, which included, speaking the names of the Seven Hathors to enter the paradise in the distant stars)

And yes, there is even a link to the Bible. The Lord challenged Job : "Canst thou bind the sweet influence of the Pleiades ?", Job 3:31. Also, there is a vein of historical research that speculates that, in pre-patriarchal Jerusalem, the Menorah (the 7 branched candlestick) originally symbolized the Pleiades in their aspect of the sevenfold "Men-horac"/"Moon Priestesses, with links once again to the Goddess Hathor"4 which returns us once again to 7 ladies and the Pleiades.

Yet, I still lacked the Egyptian-connection. The eye is a well known symbol of ancient Egypt - however, surface material credit the eye to Horus or Ra. Yet, even in that patriarchal period, that specific eye , so important a part of Egyptian symbolism was specifically described as a female judge, the Goddess Sekhmet, "I am the all-seeing Eye of Horus, whose appearance strikes terror, Lady of Slaughter, Mighty One". If there seems to be an incongruity, in that the eye symbol of this Lioness of Slaughter is also the symbol for Egyptian medicine , the answer lies in the fact that the Egyptian symbol for the Priesthood of Sekhmet and the Egyptian symbol for doctor were interchangeable. Then I moved back to the root source. In ancient Egypt, the Mother-syllable "Maa" meant "to see", its hieroglyph was the eye - a matter which overlapped with the fact that the Egyptian All- Seeing-Eye originally belonged to Maat, the Goddess of Judgment . Remember Maat well, she is one of the connecting keys to Stargate - and the other is Sekhmet. ...

The next stop on this retracing of a quest was a matter of pure fate and, one part Indiana Jones to three parts, dumb comedy ... It began at the end of several boring days of museum research in Cairo - the Egyptian Museum contains the best and most extensive collection of Egyptian artifacts in the world, but I prefer studying artifacts in the field, not in glass cases. So, I gave myself a morning off, then noted it was Friday - which made it the correct time to visit the Camel Market (Suq al Gimaal), a relatively short bus ride to Imbaba. Like everyone else who has traveled a bit in deserts, I have a love-hate relationship with camels - however, the camel market is the best of places to get away from tourists and city people. After an hour of re-connecting with the desert people, I noticed a most unique woman in the crowd. She not only wore no veil, there was a strange tattoo on her chin. As I approached closer, I was shocked - this mysterious desert woman was wearing a tattoo in Ogham. I ran forward, and in my excitement, I began shouting out the word tattooed on her chin. The air resounded with uvulations (the high pitched trill that desert women make when celebrating or in distress). Within seconds, I was surrounded by a number of other women with tattooed chins. However, my excitement about reading Ogham had dimmed considerably. One could more easily read murder in the eyes of each lady and several held dagger like sickles that collectively read, "your literary days are just about over ... Luckily, and only by seconds, several old traveling buddies emerged out of the surrounding crowd - they dragged me away with rapid explanations alluding to my mental incompetence, and how unlucky it would be to harm someone ten-levels lower than the village idiot.

I spent the rest of the day staying quite apart from the camel market - and going a little crazy trying to find anything about the mysterious tattooed ladies. From my friends , who had so providentially separated me from the ladies - all that they would share was, "they were Berbers". Not a great deal of help, in a manner of speaking, "Berber" could describe just about every native inhabitant of the Sahara - and I had been in contact with many Berbers, none of which had any Ogham tattoos. As I was about to board my flight home, they added a major clue and a strange warning ," They were Atlas Berbers" - "we don't know how you did it, but never, never again read a Berber woman's tattoo".


The year was 1986 - while I had been busy finding lost tribes in the middle of the Sahara - an American president had ordered the bombing of Tripoli - and a holy war had been called down on all available Americans. I was the only available American in that part of the Sahara. Actually, once aware of my situation, I became a "German" tourist - and I took the long road home.

A century ago, the road to Timbuktu would have been the road to death for any Westerner. Yet, in that summer of '86 , heading south, away from Tripoli, seemed to be the best direction to go ... By the time I reached Timbuktu my mind had re-focused back on the research. I noted that Fate had placed me on the same path that a very special Berber tribe (known then as the Garamantians) had used in their migration in the 2nd century AD . The Romans were excellent historians when it came to documenting their victories. After the Roman destruction of Carthage, the Empire was hungry to expand south into Africa. And there in the path of Empire was the Oasis of Djado (in the region of the Hoggar Mountains), the homeland of the Garamantians. For them, it was a matter of being in the wrong place, and the wrong time was 19 BC.

Their era of Dogon obscurity ended when a field research team of two eminent French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen, came for a visit from 1946 to 1950. The field researchers had not meant to stay quite so long. Initially, they had just come to document an African tribe with a rather unique belief system linked to the star Sirius - a belief unusual for an apparent "primitive" tribe, but not totally unique, since the ancient Egyptians also linked a lot of their traditions and the oldest portions of their belief systems to Sirius. As their research expanded, the French anthropologists discovered they were studying a religion rooted in a complex and extensive amount of astronomical information ... It is so complex & extensive that I have seen the Dogon religion described as a theology whose source could have been a discarded log book from a star ship - one that departed some 10,000 years ago.

At that time the French researchers stayed on solely because of the very complexity of the Dogan's religion. The Egyptians focused on the star Sirius. The Dogan tradition was involved with the Sirius star system - Sirius, and Sirius B and Sirius C (B & C, are definitions used by later researchers, used now, for the sake of Brevity). ...... The three Sirius suns collectively make up a solar system unique in the universe ..... The full Sirius system is important to the Dogon. Ironically it is the unseen portion of the system that is linked to the essence of their religion. . Sirius C , translated from the Dogon language (and then into English) is called the "Sun of Women"

Sirius C ( the Sun of Women ) is described by the Dogan as "the seat of the female souls of living or future beings" . Its symbol contains two pair of lines that are relevant features of a Dogan legend. They believe that Sirius C "sends out two pairs of beams" - and that the beams represent "a feminine figure " . The legend has an addenda that seems to underline the fact that the subject at hand is not astronomy - "It is the only star which emits these beams" ... I must step out of context to share some most relevant examples. A great many of the most ancient of Egyptian temples , such as the temple of Isis at Denerah, were created so that the light of the helical rising of Sirius would travel down the main corridor to place its red glow upon the altar in the inner sanctum of the temple - when that light reached the altar, the beam of light from Sirius was transformed into Sothis , the Star Goddess. In a manner of speaking, the same belief system was involved in the Greek Temples, such as the Parthenon, which were oriented to receive the beams of light from the Pleiades into their inner sanctums, where the beams were then transformed into seven women ... Research is currently in progress , to validate a similar transformation. As the beams from the Pleiades entered Egyptian temples of Hathor , and became the 7 Hathors/Kittikas, female judges of mankind. All of this was researched and recorded (from Mali, to Egypt, to Greece) decades, even centuries, prior to the first utterance of that classic phrase, "Beam me up Scotty".

Within the Dogon tradition, those pairs of feminine figures beamed down from the star/sun/planet of Women to their original home near the Hoggar mountains , bringing many aspects of civilization to the ancestors of their tribes......


Remember when I said that 1982 was the year when the realization of the message was confirmed ? ... Ironically, it was the one time the message senders paused in their standard plan to send a message with a totally unique form ... In retrospect, it was possibly a matter of them concluding that humankind appeared to be at least partially illiterate, so they turned to their version of charades or riddles. However, it required two years to get their message across ... To fully play the riddle game, you must first understand that, from the probable first Corn Circle ( at Headbourne Worthy in 1978) to 1981, there were a number of noticeable distinct patterns to the messages: (1) all messages at that point, were comprised of circles ; (2) apart from some efforts that could have even been tests, the circles were used to create two prime symbol - one using 3 circles, and one using 5 circles ; (3) no plants were harmed ; (4) and, there were no repeats on the same areas, some in the same fields, but never within the same approximate space

... Thus, in 1981, there was some extra notice given when two Corn Circles (a previously non-used number) appeared just off the A34 road, north of the village of Litchfield. The specific location was a corn/wheat field at a site known as "Seven Barrows" (Barrows - round, Megalithic tombs). The construction of the A34 and a now disused railway line had erased five of the barrows . The two Corn Circles, each with diameters approximately 15 meters, were somewhat similar in size , shape , and location to the remaining round tombs. Thus, that year, it certainly seemed like the cosmic visitors were trying to draw attention to the megalithic tombs. That was sufficient for several English archaeologists to take notice, and one, a previous co-worker, contacted me. It was my introduction to the phenomena and I would certainly have liked the idea of a Megalithic link. However, though new and rather unknowledgable to the subject, I had an inner feeling that the connection was not with the barrows - they were insignificant tombs - considering that the general area contains virtually all of England's major Megalithic monuments ... My hunch connected in 1982, when yet another pair of Corn Circles appeared at the Seven Barrows site. I was unable to participate in the research that year - however, researchers led by Delgado and Colin Andrews successfully pieced together the answers to the riddle. It was yet another example of - the researchers could achieve the correct answer - only after they knew the correct question to ask. Obviously, it was something far beyond a simple link with several small barrows. The question was, what was special about the place itself ? Could there even be two special things ? The answers came back in spades : (1) On the 10th of September, 1910, Geoffrey de Havilland made his first flight from that very same field. The land was England's version of Kitty Hawk ; (2) Just to the north of the barrows is yet another burial site, the final resting place of the Fifth Earl of Caernarvon. He was buried there in 1923, shortly after he took part in the opening of Tutankhamun's tomb ... To a simple field archaeologist, the answer seems clear. Two messages incorporated into one - "We also fly, and we have links to ancient Egypt". Since there were a total of four Crop Circles (over the two years) to make that message, I could be tempted to add another two part message, this time linked to the name of the site, "the Seven Barrows" - "We are Seven, and we have links to the Megalithic era". That would make a nice four-part message ... Whatever, the first two part message should have made a story worth sharing. The press/media has also failed to properly report that first instance of message received !


At this point on the Stargate Quest, I thought I was immune from being surprised. However, Crack Cave truely startled me. I could hardly even believe the basic facts - Archaeologists in Colorado had discovered amidst Anasazi and "pre- Anasazi" petroglyphs & pictograms remarkable examples of an alphabet - yes, the alphabet is Ogham. However, the research on those discoveries had hit an awkward phase - all of the ancient rock art pre-dated the "officially" accepted age for Ogham. The validity of the discoveries had a potential problem. The archaeologists were unaware of Ogham's appearance within Megalithic tombs - much less, knowledge of Ogham's existence in Africa ( I had focused my research only on the living remnants of the alphabet - I am quite sure that a return to the area (hopefully, when its politically a bit more calmer ) will verify Oham's age in be as old if not older than Ogham's verifiable "prehistoric" age in Ireland.

The awkward phase had been precipitated by a visit to the area by an "Ogham expert" from New England". He had muddied-up the research by his conclusion that the Ogham had been inscribed by a visiting Irish monk who had traveled to the new world prior to Columbus. There are two rather obvious factors which negate the possibility of the Ogham being created by an Irish monk : (1) The Catholic church regarded (quite correctly) Ogham as an alphabet used by Pagans - and no member of the clergy would have used it - if the inscriptions were carved in Latin, that would be quite another matter ; (2).....In the days prior to visiting the prime Ogham site, I studied a great number of the Ogham sites, some in Colorado, some near Black Mesa in Oklahoma. And from reading the field research reports of the Colorado Archaeologists of Ogham sites all along the Southwestern border of their state - a conclusion becomes rather obvious. If the Ogham was limited to the prime site, maybe a few more , then the possibility of the Ogham being created by a visiting tourist (Irish or otherwise) would have some reality . However the existence of literally hundreds of Ogham sites spread across Colorado & Oklahoma offers proof that we are looking at examples of a full culture capable of using an alphabet - more likely, the writings of a elite , literate group within the culture, inscribing records over several generations ... There was another problem factor, the student that had preceded me had offered up an extensive "translation". He had made an error that even the least trained Rabbi would have avoided. At the prime site ,the student had read the Ogham left to right - there is one unique distinguishing feature about most ancient alphabets, Ogham , like Hebrew is read right to left - and, for Ogham, also bottom to top.

The prime site is not just special for Ogham, it is what every Astro- Archaeologist has been dreaming about ... Where is this special place ? (join thje research team & learn)-- to Picture Canyon - then along the west side of the canyon to a cave that will appear to be a large crack in the canyon wall. (A matter which caused the site to be innocently given a name, "Crack Cave", that is a bit awkward in this era.)

The real importance of the site is tied to timing , visit Crack Cave at the Spring Equinox and watch the sunlight enter the cave and beam down on the inscribed instructions ! Information inscribed in an Ogham cryptogram. That and more, it appears to be a very very complex cryptogram. To translate inscriptions in an ancient language is one matter - if it is a simple cryptogram, you simply take out all the superfluous letters, just so you maintain the basic sound of the words - a complex cryptogram can be quite another matter ... If you are sufficiently interested in trying your hand at solving such crptograms I would suggest some information that should be readily available at your local library - my Science Digest cover story (Jan. 1969), " Riddle of the Viking cryptograms " (Runes or Ogham, the decoding concepts are the same) - which evolved into chapter 19 of the anthology, introduced & edited by Isaac Asimov & Richard Dempewolff ( hardback , Hearst Books, 1974 - paperback, Pocket Books , 1976 ).

My initial labours with the prime Ogham message (which I now know to have been inscribed in archaic Ogham) offers good example that such decipherment work quite often provides a means to information that would have otherwise been overlooked ... The first word , "labh" is a variation of the primitive Gaelic word which translates to "speak" - a most appropriate beginning for such an inscription (more proper than I could have imagined). Who would be speaking ? The inscription concludes with "Hekt" - the addition of a Greek Goddess seemed most un-appropriate - however, proper research must carry an always open mind. A paper search to the far side of Hecate discovered that She was initially derived from the Egyptian midwife-Goddess, Heket - an evolvement from the tribal matriarch of pre-dynastic Egypt : a wise-woman, in command of all the "hekau" or "mother's Words of Power" ... As a heavenly midwife amalgamating the Seven Hathors of the birth-chamber, Hekt in command of the words of power gave birth to the sun every morning - above all, on the Spring Equinox, the symbolic morning-time of each year . (It should also be noted that a great quantity of caves containing ancient rock art, also connect with the metaphor of the cave as a symbolic birth chamber.)

Please do not misread the inscription to replace Irish monks with Egyptian priestesses as the source point. I seriously believe that the final sharing that shall come from the Quest for Stargate is that : at the very dawn of antiquity , there was a universal culture spread around the planet; the individual nature of the culture within each area should be credited to each native population . That there was assistance from a cosmic-sisterhood from the Pleiades and the Sirius, Star of Women, seems obvious - I believe future Stargate sharings will make the genetic connection between the Cosmic Sisterhood and their earth-born progeny.


1 - Walker, Barbara G., The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (San Francisco: Harper & Row, Publishers, 1983) 803. Resume reading

2 - Graves, Robert, The Greek Myths : 1 (London: Penguin, 1955) 45-3,4. Resume reading

3 - Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983) 803. Resume reading

4 - Walker, Barbara, The Woman's Encyclopedia of Myths & Secrets (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983) 804. Resume reading